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Home - Services

What We Do

What We Provide

Shelter, clothes, shoes

Medical attention, a balanced diet, personal hygiene,

24 hours supervision by capable caregivers

After school tutoring and other extra-curricular activities.

How You Cab Help

How You Can Help

For our operations, WAMM-Ghana, relies on financial and in-kind support from private corporations, community organizations, churches and civic groups, but above all from donations by families and citizens which have evidenced the work being done, and have decided to be a part in the struggle for these children’s future.


Sponsor a Child

Sponsorship provides a direct opportunity to empower children at risk to become children of change. With your help, we can offer the children supported in our programs access to education, clothing, food, healthcare. Your support can make the difference, not just for one, but for many. Sponsorship is easy. Simply select a child you would like to sponsor from the list of our children. Once you have selected a child, you can view their story and learn how many sponsor shares are required to fully sponsor him/her. You will receive an email confirming the details of your sponsorship.

Support Us

Sponsorship Packages

Meeting the needs of a child through sponsorship presents a few challenges. We cannot provide the daily essentials to one child who is sponsored, while ignoring those same needs for another child who may not yet be sponsored. Your donation contributes to the needs of all the children in the home, however individual sponsorship gives the unique opportunity to have a relationship with your sponsored child of your choice.

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